Archive for the ‘Personal’ Category

“Planting the Seeds of Innovation”

The Florida Society for Association Executives (FSAE) is having their 2014 annual conference this week down in Orlando, FL. I’m really looking forward to attending this year! Last year was my first year at this annual event and I had a pretty good time. This year promises to be even better! The theme is “Planting the Seeds of Innovation” and I’m excited to learn some new tips and tricks for wrangling members.

For networking this year I will be bringing my personal “calling” cards in addition to my traditional business cards. Here’s what my “calling” cards look like:


I created these calling cards so that I could share more direct means of contacting me for the new folks I hope to meet at this year’s meeting. While my regular business cards are also very helpful in networking, these calling cards showcase ways to reach me online where so many of us interact these days.

The Gala

This year’s big social event is a gala on Thursday night. The dress for this event is “classy with an International flair!” I’ll be honest with you; when I read that description I had no idea what it meant. In fact, I still may not have it right! Regardless, I have found my attire. It took some crafting on my part and a friend has loaned me a brooch to complete it. I’ll be sporting a tartan sash pinned at the shoulder with this lovely:


I’ll be sure and get a picture taken so I can share!

You can monitor all the fun on Twitter with the hashtag: #FSAE14

I hope to be able to share some of the great things I learn when I return next week.

A few weeks ago, I took my wife’s family on a weekend camping trip to Three Rivers State Park in Florida. We camp in tents and it was definitely an undertaking getting my wife’s family all set up at the site as the majority of them had never camped before.

My sister-in-law, however, is an old pro at tent camping and acted as camp chef for the weekend. We ate really well.

Bacon on the Fire

The view from our site was beautiful Saturday morning as we watched the sun come up over the lake.

Morning at the Lake 5