Archive for July 25, 2014

Ah, the sound of the Internet breaking. It’s a beautiful thing.

The cast of Firefly (a television show that lasted only a season and was cancelled over a decade ago) has re-united for the online game version – Firefly Online. (Don’t be surprised if that link doesn’t work at the moment. Like I said, the sound of the Internet breaking can be a beautiful thing.)

Also, if the link to the YouTube video above isn’t working, click here.

The announcement for the previous cast coming on-board for the game came late Thursday from Comic-Con in San Diego, CA. You’d think the game’s website would boost their server capabilities in light of the announcement going out today, but apparently not. There’s a Facebook page you can also check out if you’re interested.

Once the site is back up, you can register to take part. The mobile game is still “coming soon” according to sources but I’m pretty excited about the possibilities.